Launcher Tutorial

Launcher is a utility for performing simple, data parallel, high throughput computing (HTC) workflows on clusters, massively parallel processor (MPP) systems, workgroups of computers, and personal machines. Wilson:2014:LSF:2616498.2616533

This tutorial is assuming the use of the launcher module found in the TACC Lmod's and some familiarity with TACC HPC systems.


There are many types of jobs for running with the launcher module but for the scope of this tutorial we are going to practice with R scripts. You are going to generate some random datasets with R and print them to csv files. Then you will create a launcher file to run 100 jobs on 10 nodes. Finally you will use the launcher module to run all 100 jobs with very little typing involved.

Loading Launcher

Login to one of the TACC systems such as Stampede2.


This logs you into your $HOME directory. We typically run analysis in the $WORK directory.

Just type following to move to your $WORK directory cdw.

To see the modules you currently have loaded:

module list

To load the launcher module if not listed in the output:

module load launcher

You can optionally save the launcher module as a default every time you login to the system:

module list confirm launcher is loaded then: module save

We also need to use the Rstats module.

module load Rstats

Neccessary Files

You need to copy 4 files to use this tutorial: * randcsvGen.R - This is an Rscript that randomly generates 100 csv files using the mtcars dataset. * - This bash script will parse all the csv filenames into an array and return them to launcherFile. launcherFile is a list of Rscript command line arguments to run each job. * launcher.slurm - This is the file which actually batches the jobs to different HPC nodes. * headDF.R - A simple R script which prints the top of the dataset read in from each csv file.

All these files should be in the same directory in your $WORK directory.

Modify launcher.slurm

Set LAUNCHER_JOB_FILE to point to your job file. We are going to use Vim, a built-in editor.

Type vim launcher.slurm

Type i and the prompt at the bottom will say Insert. Use your arrow keys and change <path_to_directory> to the directory you are currently in, which is the $WORK directory if you did not place the files somewhere else. Change <allocation> to your group's allocation for the system. m Then hit Esc and type :wq which tells Vim to save and quit.

Generate Some Data

The first file you will run is the This will run the R script to generate the csv files and created your launcherFile.

Type chmod +x to give your user permission to execute.

Then type ./

This might take a few minutes to install the required R packages generating a lot of output in the terminal.

You will have 3 new directorys created: * randcsv/ - This is where all the random csv files are stored. * output/ - For the results from the analysis. * error/ - There will be some general warnings that are read as error by R.

The launcherFile should also be in your current directory now as well.

Submit the Jobs

Your ready to submit your batch of 100 jobs.

Type sbatch launcher.slurm

A new file will be created for the job: slurm-job##.out

You can check the status of your jobs.

squeue -u <username>

When the jobs are done you should have 100 files in the output/ and error/ directories. Remember you can use Vim if you want to open the file or cat <filename> to peak inside.


Again you can you launcher to run jobs with python or Agave apps among many other uses. Hopefully you now have some understanding how to use the launcher module to batch many jobs at once.
