Why HPC?

Sometimes data can get so complex or large that a personal computer is no longer a viable option to run the analysis. Luckily there are high performance computing clusters available which cater to different requirements, from raw CPU or GPU power to large memory needs. These clusters can be utilized to handle analyses using R, Python, or other languages. The National Science Foundation has partnered with universities and organizations around the country to create HPC clusters for students at universities to freely use (in moderation) via XSEDE.

Necessary Accounts

There are a couple platforms essential to the mission of the EnviroTyping research, namely Cyverse and XSEDE/TACC. You will be asked to create an account on both platforms.


Cyverse is an initiative led by the University of Arizona to improve how data is stored and shared amongst researchers. You may read more about its mission here and create an account on this page.


XSEDE is a virtual organization that serves to connect researchers to resources necessary to navigate the shear amount of data in the modern age. More background information is found on their About page. Create an account here. An XSEDE account will allow you to access any resource in the XSEDE network.

Likewise, one such resource is the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). As with the previously mentioned programs, more information is found on their About page. TACC holds the tools used to complete jobs too large to run on personal or local machines (such as the PReMiuM profile regressions discussed in the "Workflow" section of this ReadtheDocs). Specifically, you will most likely utilize the new Stampede2 servers. However, you must first create an account. It is encouraged you carefully read each page in the creation process thoroughly because TACC tends to be strict in its allocation of compute resources, and the more you know in the beginning the more it will help in the long run. We will discuss how to properly use Stampede2 in more detail, but feel free to briefly peruse its User Guide once your account is created.